
PROJECT WWHA: What’s the first time you remember noticing your own arm or body hair? Is it normal to have abundant body hair on a woman in your culture?

ASYIKIN: I did notice when I was 13 years old its started to grow more day by day. In my country, It is something that people didn't show and some people think it is not normal but some thinks it is normal but the majority it is definitely not normal.

PROJECT WWHA: Did you work through difficult emotions after noticing you had abundant hair on your arms or body as a child?

ASYIKIN: Yes. I've been dealing with my fears for so long. To come out, to show the world, to be normalized, it took me years for that. 

PROJECT WWHA: Some women where you live cover their skin, but you do not. Has this ever caused conflict for you? 

ASYIKIN: No. I just be myself and I do respect women in my country as well. 

PROJECT WWHA: How are some of the different ways arm hair has come up in conversation in your life growing up with family and with friends?

ASYIKIN: My family used to say "do not shave you hairy arm cause it beautiful, it’s like your dad". My friend used to touch my hairy arm and amazedly said "babes your hairy arm so long" but in a good way. 

PROJECT WWHA: Have you been subjected to bullying because of your arm hair, and if so have any of those events landed and stuck with you as a trauma?

ASYIKIN: Yes, mental abuse. People used to call me with so many ugly words like animal, ugly etc. It is forgiven but never forgotten. I'm not traumatized by it at all. 

PROJECT WWHA: Were you afraid to bare your hair in public?

ASYIKIN: Yes, in the first place but now not anymore. 

PROJECT WWHA: Did you ever specifically dress to hide it?  

ASYIKIN: Yes, at the first place but now not anymore. 

PROJECT WWHA: Have you ever spoken to yourself in a negative manner in the mirror because of what you saw your body look like? Because of hair or otherwise?

ASYIKIN: Yes. So many times. I would always look in the mirror and stare at myself and cry, ya I do that up until now. Not about my hairy arm, but mostly about my appearance, about my life currently. 

PROJECT WWHA: I saw in a comment one person say "lady boy". Does that person say it to insult you? Obviously that person lacks respect for human beings and perhaps we should not give them a platform, however it does beg the question - are you hurt by hurtful comments online about your hair and if so how do you emotionally balance out the hate? 

ASYIKIN: It is not. I'm ok. I believe everyone have their opinion. Negative comments never affected me at all maybe I already get used to it ever since I grew with that. 

PROJECT WWHA: Have you ever removed your arm hair? What methods did you use, and what was it like after the first time you removed it?

ASYIKIN: Yes. I used to shave. Even my leg I shave it until now for no reason. Just want it to be clean but not my arm. The feeling is different, the first time I shaved I felt empty and sad like I lost something meaningful in my life, that is the most regretful moment ever. I will never do that anymore. 

PROJECT WWHA: Was there one defining moment or person that changed your perspective on your arm hair forever? 

ASYIKIN: I only have one Idol that I inspired a lot but to be like her I have to be myself. I can say here that I have created myself to be natural to be normalised. Yes some of people who loved me do support me, but be where I at right now is myself. I build my own confidence with body hair. I appreciate my body hair and its beautiful. 

PROJECT WWHA: When did you first see body hair positive channels online, and how did they affect you?

ASYIKIN: Impressed! I felt respect like I wanted to be me more! 

PROJECT WWHA: Are there other women that are proudly wearing their body hair, whom you like? 

ASYIKIN: My idol just one Sophia Hadjipanteli she is my inspiration. But she has unique uni-brow not body hair. 

PROJECT WWHA: When you first saw Project WWHA, what was your impression?

ASYIKIN: I'm like "wow so many me!!" 

PROJECT WWHA: What tools do other young women need to break free of oppressive social beauty constructs about body hair?

ASYIKIN: You have to listen to some music and be free to feel who you truly are. Just slay your messy day like I always do. Find your idol to keep up your confidence! I have one her name was Sophia Hadjipanteli she has a unique uni-brow! I always come to her profile just to see her beauty and she's enjoy living with it! One day I wanna be like her. I want to be an inspiring human. 


Mery (Spanish)


Alison dreamed of becoming a model